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Your inner demons…Karlynn Holland

Have you ever wanted a glimpse of the demon that lives inside you? Karlynn Holland can see it, and she brings forth your darkest energies in her beautiful and delicate Demon Portraits. Holland’s illustration is haunting, and shows her depth of perception in its’ fine lines and details. Her demons are self-reflective, serious creatures, not in the mood to rip your head off but they could if they wanted to. Her forests are intertwined at their roots and communicate sorrow with their barren and bleak connectivity. This New York artist is also a certified Forensic Reconstructor, and has a fascination with bringing the dead back to life with her sculpture and drawing. You can see her forensic experience in her portraits, in the way that the horns are a natural part of her human subjects’ physiology. Holland also specializes in band logos that look like they are a part of some mystical and forgotten symbology. She has done work for bands like Krallice, Dysrythmia, Astomatous and Solecism, and they range from a pristine, almost calligraphic style, to heavy and dark Nature imagery. There is even a collage section in her portfolio, and not the kind of hipster cliche disjointed collage you may be used to, but truly artful collage that melds her media together to create one whole. Basically, Holland is a jack-of-all-art-trades, and one of the most unique artists I have come across for this blog. After the jump, take a look at some of her work from the past and present, and be sure to volunteer to have your Demon Portrait drawn…




  1. Clinton Homuth

    January 19, 2012 at 8:38 pm

    This is good.

  2. Javier Show

    June 9, 2011 at 7:46 am

    This is one nice piece of art, introspection and the realization that there’s no safe place in the universe. Karlynn’s portrait of that matter is beautiful, disturbing, believable and haunting. Great piece.

  3. youngblood

    May 30, 2011 at 1:38 pm

    Huge fan of Karlynn Holland’s art. Thanks so much for writing about her!

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