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Death From Above… Mike Lawrence

Grave Rider - Screenprint

Mike Lawrence is an illustrator whose work caught my eye a couple of years ago, and now we’re stoked to be carrying his awesome t-shirts, screenprints, patches and coasters in the CVLT Nation Bizarre. He’s worked with Midnite Collective, Pallbearer, Inter Arma and Creature Skateboards among many others, and he creates some of my favorite graphics – they’re dark enough to be disturbing, but there’s an element of humor to his work that makes it playful. Who doesn’t love a bishop doing a kegstand? His t-shirts are both soft and badass at the same time, and his patches are hand-printed on a high quality canvas. If you like supporting the underground, then you should head here to pick up some of Mike’s stuff to decorate yourself and your home with. You can also check out the housewares line he runs with his wife Meg called Evil Home.






  1. Francisco Pereira

    March 31, 2016 at 11:29 am

    Alex Lazarini

  2. Bojan Seraph

    March 31, 2016 at 7:17 am

    Great designs, I’m a fine artist / illustrator myself, you can check my portfolio here. Thanks! = )

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