As someone who has spent time in the interior of British Columbia, I can attest to the fact that there is nothing more inspiring than the thick forests, clean air and roving beasts that call its vastness home. WOLF + SADIE is a company borne from this inspiration, and her pieces reflect the wilds they inhabit. This is not a chaos-driven wildness, but a pristine one, a place of sanctuary from humanity, where nature’s rules of symbiosis apply. WOLF + SADIE craft jewellery that is subtle, but that captures your attention with its simple vibrancy. Textured like it was carved into existence by the earth itself, but with clean lines and purposeful shapes. Check out a selection from their newest collection, ANCESTORS, as well as beautiful video lookbook collaborations WOLF + SADIE did with musician Lykanthea and visual artist sio heartless below…
hidden worlds by Lykanthea
video: Daniel Tovar
music: Lykanthea / Lakshmi Ramgopal
gangrene by sio heartless
Music by Surachai
- Stark Neck Piece
- Stark Neck Piece
- Stark Neck Piece
- Lupine Cuff Ring
- Lupine Cuff Ring
- Lupine Cuff Ring
- Lupine Cuff Ring
- Lucid Ring
- Shadow Septum Ring
- Lucid Septum Ring
- Lunar Phases Earring Set
- Theurgy Cuff Ring
- Ibis Ear Climber
- Lucid Bangle
- Lucid Bangle
- Lucid Bangle
- Lucid Bangle
- WOLF + SADIE Habitat

Elizabeth Layton
February 8, 2016 at 4:39 pm
oh hi Bramble Lee Pryde 🙂
Bramble Lee Pryde
February 8, 2016 at 4:42 pm
Oh hai!
Bramble Lee Pryde
February 8, 2016 at 3:56 pm
Thanks for the shout out! We love you guys ❤️