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CVLT Nation Sessions

CVLT Nation Video Premiere: RAPE BLOSSOMS “Heart and Soul”

Last week, we released our ninth compilation for the CVLT Nation Sessions, Joy Division’s Closer. It’s definitely one of our favourites to date. RAPE BLOSSOMS covered the JD classic “Heart and Soul,” and as a bonus crafted this stunning video for the track with photographer Laetitia Bica. It was shot in Brussels, and takes the track to the next level of beautiful bleakness and foreboding. The brutalist architecture they travel through hearkens so strongly of the Manchester council estates that birthed Joy Division’s revolutionary sound. We’d like to thank the band for creating this awesome video!


RÄPE BLOSSOMS Heart And Soul from LAETITIA BICA on Vimeo.

COLOR GRADING : Jeremy Marchant for Pickels

Heart & Soul was recorded and mixed by Niels Latomme. You can stream and download it through their Bandcamp.

Rape Blossoms is Jonathan Dhuyvetters, Lennert Jacobs, Wesley Buysse and David Defrenne

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