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You Shall Not Pass: New Anti-Terrorism Strategy of Canada Against Radical Environmentalists

Taking stride after the hounds of America, and the ‘Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act’ posed is 2002, the Canadian government has recently redefined a strategy for countering terrorism threats to the country in a 40 page outline that goes into detail about the methods, detection, surveillance, and actions called ‘Building Resilience Against Terrorism’. The strategy highlights some of the attacks that have occurred in recent times like the 2001 bombings, and those made before on Air India. The common rhetoric about civilian protection, often reeking with the biased tongue of the high power. Then boldly going into the territory of environmental activists and what they deem “domestic terrorism”. Does this sound like anything you have heard at ? There, Will Potter has been unearthing constant issues of this problem happening in the united states where common activists, anarchists, and even indigenous peoples have been the main concern of victims by the act. Several have imprisoned for doing nothing but offering ethical support, or making a documentary about cruel animal practices and advocating protection of forests. Yes, they are anarchists, but this word is still not recognized for it’s pure meaning, because it is judgmentally exploited to mean destruction, murder, and violence. Many of the actions that these two acts focus on are indeed about the criminal acts, but also on non-violent things like occupying, protests, making flyers, spreading anti-political messages with art, etc. and anything that is suggestive of these ways. Parallels are leaking out, under the guise of fair action, but fueled instead by opulent growth of the top-tier minorities. Really, Anarchism is now destructive at all, and the common society could learn very primal and healthy human values from adopting some anarchist ideals. They stand for what is needed, sustainability within this growing mass population to live with the earth’s law, not the paper. Promoting an idyllic way of life for all sentient beings, not just our bipedal type. Is the the philosophy of the sane, who in the right state of mind can truly be it’s adversary. This is anarchism, taking responsibilities for our own actions. Before I go further, it can be read here in it’s entirety.

“Low-level violence by domestic issue-based groups remains a reality in Canada. Such extremism tends to be based on grievances—real or perceived—revolving around the promotion of various causes such as animal rights, white supremacy, environmentalism and anti-capitalism. Other historical sources of Canadian domestic extremism pose less of a threat.
Although very small in number, some groups in Canada have moved beyond lawful protest to encourage, threaten and support acts of violence. As seen in Oklahoma City in 1995 and in Norway in 2011, continued vigilance is essential since it
remains possible that certain groups—or even a lone individual—could choose to adopt a more violent, terrorist strategy to achieve their desired results.”enbridge-video-reply-333-300x250

This shows the very egotististic nature of the current power. They continually use the words “human health”, “human protection”, “human safety”, but never even mention the ways in which our way of life is provided… by the massive use of animal “stock” through cruel practices, exploitation of environments, identity control. Environmental activists, who honor the life of animals, and who aim to supplant a new normalcy of anti-materialism, and cultural egalitarianism don’t fall under the violent banner of terrorists, but this is what this portion of the plan is trying to do. When the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act came out, it was because they government did not have enough reason in their current law to do anything about the ALF or ELF, purely because they did not cause any death, or suffering, they always released the animals into the wild or to proper homes, they fought against factory farms, animal research units, urban industrialization, and logging companies in ways that were in no way damaging to their lives or others. All they did was damage property. The realizations that writing 20 page letters, sitting in trees, and going vegan, while good were not enough. Almost all of their actions committed out of a more radical clime (radical, being getting to root of the situation) needed to go further, and involve crime. But crime is subjective. The original crimes were the clear-cutting, the illegal pet trade, the medical research on animals, etc. these were only setting things back to the way they were with very effective tactics. I think deep down, most human beings have a way to access the better parts of their mind and realize what a society should be founded on, but fear keeps them in cages, like the cages used to hold monkeys for medical research. We can’t move, we can’t communicate, we can’t act, because our shackles of fear prevent us from doing anything about the problem. It makes you think how being in this generation, the age of Kali Yuga, when we fight back and make a resurgent atavism into the present. We are enlightened of freedom, but few choose not to use it. It unearths some very existential questions of when choosing to buy only organic food, being vegetarian, or living in a cabin on the land would be in support of “domestic extremism” for not conforming to the current trends, and also how much this thing has to do with the defense of building the Alberta pipeline for fracking. I don’t really want to see it.

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