Review source Toxicbreedfunhouse
Label A386 Records
I’ll be the first person to admit it I am probably the last person who should be reviewing this record because I am anything but completely biased, but I have to say I don’t care because this record is impossible to review negatively. I have seen Homewrecker since they started, and have seen how much they have grown and improved, from an awesome straight forward infest style power-violence band with both Matt Barnum and Ryan switching off on vocals, to the completely crushing metallic hardcore band that they have become. Not only have I seen them play but I also played bass for them on their last tour, and had a great time. These dudes are fun and some of the goofiest dudes you’ll ever meet, and on top of that they shred.
On to the album…..Worms and Dirt is absolutely flawless, and I am not just blowing smoke. I have been telling people that from the moment I heard it that it is by far one of my favorite records ever released coming out of the “holy terror” style, or whatever you want to call it. Homewrecker have the perfect blend of pissed off power violence (think Left for Dead/Infest) and metallic hardcore (Integrity/In Cold Blood). I don’t think there is a single band that manages to blend these styles in a more perfect unison than Homewrecker, with the exception of Pulling Teeth. The introduction, Wreck, is the perfect precursor to what the album will deliver, straight forward and crushing…and although I am generally put off by movie clips in songs they found the perfect one, it sounds like it was made for them. The stand-out song for me is by far Pipe Dreams. I think that Pipe Dreams is such a brilliant track, from the killer opening solo to the heavy breakdown ending, it offers a little something of everything I want in an album like this.
[audio:|titles=01 Wreck] [audio:|titles=02 Worms And Dirt][audio:|titles=03 Baseborn]
Recorded by Bill Korecky (Integrity, Ringworm, Catharsis) the album is beefy and crisp, what you’d expect from Cleveland Hardcore. The thing that threw me at first was the vocals. The amount of reverb at first was a bit off putting, but I have to say, sitting down with the album now for the 20+ listen I think the reverb is amazing. Ryan’s vocals have been improving since day one and I think he has really come into his own this record. He has a deafening scream, but still manages to have great pronunciation.
This record has a little something for everyone; it is not exclusive to a389 fans, nor metallic hardcore. If you haven’t heard Homewrecker start with this, if you have and you weren’t blown away I am willing to bet this record will completely change your opinion of the band. This is by far their best work. The record feels like it is over before it begins, and begs to be replayed immediately. With the addition of great guest vocal spots by Tony from Masakari and Dylan from Full of Hell, as well as awesome artwork from Szymon Siech this is going to be my favorite purchase of the summer.

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