You’ve gotta have balls to call your band something as over the top as Wolfbeast Destroyer. Stones the size of elephants, and a tongue firmly in cheek.You’ve also gotta be seriously powerful to live up to it – the mental image the name conjures up is a bloodthirsty,bestial killing machine. Lucky for us then that the band who chose that moniker have that kind of feral whirlwind attack in their music.
Wolfbeast Destroyer come from the tiny town of Boston (not that Boston), a small town in England infamous in that country’s scene for being home to the legendary Indian Queen venue which held many a wild show for touring bands – having experienced it first hand, I can confirm the myths are true – the insane dancing and altogether higher level of heckling that I’d heard about were in full effect. Boston was also home to two of the UK’s best bands over the last decade or so – fastcore bashers Urko and crust behemoths Burning the Prospect. I believe Wolfbeast features former members of both those bands, and judging from both the power and quality on show that would certainly seem the case.
This new 10″ vinyl release tears along like the proverbial hammers of hell. You want some brutal, low end dbeat speed? You’ve come to the right place. This is seriously some of the heaviest crust stuff I’ve heard in a long time, coasting along on the crest of a wave of filthy guitars that resonate within your gut. It wouldn’t be entirely out of order to pinpoint the likes of Skitsystem or Martyrdod as reference points if you need them, but Wolfbeast definitely don’t ape those bands – they stand firmly and proudly alone in a crowd full of often interchangeable dbeat. The music races along spitting venom and desperation.
It’s not enough for a band to just thrive on piss and vinegar though, and these guys know that , so they come armed with riffs that lodge thenselves in you head like a bullet. Check out opener “Black Snow”,or “Toast the Disgrace” which are both pure, anthemic punk filtered through a wall of sheet metal guitar. The likes of “Destruct Survive Rebuild” and “Dark Nights” show the band at their most fast and furious, but never losing sight of that memorable songwriting. Personally, it’s the sneering d-beat of “Cut Through the Silence” that gets me everytime. Simple but effective, bloodboiling stuff.
This band have been around for a couple of years already and one can only hope they have more ahead of them. The slick looking 10″ vinyl (with art by Cvltnation’s own scribe Sean Fitz) just came out on Underground Movement, so hit up their webstore for a copy.

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