South Africa isn’t particularly known for it’s music scene, never mind a music scene producing the kind of progressive black metal with a hint of rock wizardry (stay with me on this one) that Wildernessking have brought forth on The Writing Of Gods In The Sand. But praise the dark lord that it has, and that Wildernessking have given us a glimpse into a world we may never have known.
Hailing from Cape Town, this is a band teetering on the very edge of greatness, it’s only a matter of time before they completely take over. And, damn, it’ll be massively deserved. The Writing Of Gods In The Sand is a record offering much in the way of that old faithful, black metal, but there’s a lot more to found here if you care to look hard enough (you must look hard enough).
It’s in the break of “Discovery”, a little change in tone and timing that comes from nowhere and snaps into place perfectly. A nigh on ten minute masterpiece that segues from sound to otherworldly sound with such sublime ease that it’s quite simple to just lose yourself into the depths of the track. There’s passion in spades, true power in the vocal of Keenan Oakes – full of spite and agony – showcased quite brilliantly on “Utopia,” a definite highlight. Gorgeous and soaring guitar passages sit alongside barely heard spoken word parts, deep and low down building a dazzlingly atmospheric magnificence.
Stunning and totally instrumental, “Reveal” gives the band room to demonstrate just how far they’ve come since their early (the first incarnation of the group was as Heathens) days. Tight and controlled, the towering riffs battle with fast as heck drum work and a constant sense that you’re witnessing something quite spectacular. Transitioning into album closer “Infinity,” almost seamlessly, a post-rock influence creeps in for the initial stages of the track. An almost doom-like riff steps up to the fore until – at almost four minutes in – the kick comes and with it the speed and fury felt across the record as a whole.Glorious.
Check out a couple of tracks here –
Pre-order from Antithetic. Don’t be a moron.

February 7, 2012 at 6:38 am
We’re currently running a kickstarter campaign to fund a double LP release for this album. If vinyl is your thing, check it out!