Real hate mongers come in many different shapes and wave many different signs. Vice TV did a documentary entitled Brainwashed by the Westboro Baptist Church that focused on a group of truly hateful people and so-called Christians that I hope are burned alive by the hands of their own inner demons! This group of anti-human pond scum are so fucking backwards it’s almost like they are tragic comedy troupe. By the name of their website, “GODHATESFAGS,” you can tell that these people have marbles for brains. This film takes a look at how WBC followers live their lives by a strict set of rules set down by their leader, Pastor Fred Phelps. The way that these people hate homosexuals, I have a feeling that they are all closet gays and really hate themselves. I would never, or could never, believe in the same GOD that these inbred fucks pray to. On the other hand, it’s good to know how the real hate mongers think. Now watch Brainwashed by the Westboro Baptist Church after the jump!
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