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Apocalyptic Blues

Videoblogger Confidential: Inside the Dark Castle

Love hate or fear, next month, the beast of furied sound that is SXSW will be upon us. Though I can completely understand the jagged glass, jaded view clenched by many amongst the horde, I have always found blackened joy in wandering its dizzying streets. And while I have been absent from SXSW’s cacophony for the past few years, in bit champing excitement of my return, I thought I’d share a few sacred slices of past videos from that world.

In perusing my capturings for this inaugural installment, I wasn’t quite sure which direction to steer the ghost ship, that is, until I stumbled into a brief bit sludgy, still-born doom from the epic Dark Castle. Roughly two years ago, Brooklyn Vegan, a trustworthy name in this department, hosted a free party with a metal stage whose lineup could not be quenched by all of the invisible oranges in the world. Many face pounding impressions were made that day, but this brooding and bloody Dark Castle set was a voidened stand out.


The duo rolled in a slow and heavy atmosphere like a stormcloud of plague slowly overtaking a city. Each song chewed on grinding and humming riffs, until they were reduced to steaming bile. Broken by the punctuations of concussion bludgeoning drum hammers, and vocals that amounted to violent cries that hung in the air just outside of this plane of existence, Dark Castle branded their set into the brains of the crowd, as a pain never to be forgotten. And while this video is galaxies away from communicating that experience, it should shed just enough light to stab in an understanding.

Dark Castle performing at Emo’s at SXSW from Denman C Anderson on Vimeo.

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