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Apocalyptic Blues

VIT Review

When bands try to mix genres, a lot of the time they just don’t get it right. This is why I don’t like to put labels on things, because once you do that, you can automatically turn people off that might otherwise be into what you are creating. When I first heard VIT, I’m so glad I didn’t pay attention to any labels, because this is one band that might sound weird on paper. What you need to do is listen to their 2010 self-titled, released via Music Ruins Lives – from the first guitar note, you will be hooked. What links all of the different moods & genres together on this awesome album is honesty in why & what they are creating. For me, this is what VIT’s music makes me feel – when I hear their music, I wish I could move to a rad tree house. The album starts off with a riff that would make Cat Power jealous, then all of a sudden these rad black metal drums come in while a waterfall of melody pours all over the beat. Then the second song comes on, “Swansylvania” – now with this, VIT changes the game a little because they start to break your bones with ultra heavy stench laden doom, but it’s the heartfelt demonic vocal style that punches you in your eye! Their song “The Ascension Ritual” starts off with an old world gothic Americana vibe that had me high the very first moment I heard it; the guitar work on this song is so fucking emotional that it is almost addicting. The tones that the guitar is speaking says a lot about the pain of this world, but fear not, 4 minutes into this epic track the power gods awake to guide you into the darkness. I could write about every song on this album, because it’s that darn radical, but let it be known that VIT is like a mirror that everyone should look into & see who is looking back at them. The power of the open mind has prevailed once again!
[audio:|titles=VIT The Ardour of Saints]

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