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Do you want a piece of this? I don’t think so, because I will get Portland’s HONDURAN to open up a can of grindcore & your ass will be grass. This band’s new 7 inch is four songs & eight minutes of demented powerviolence that will wreck havoc on all of your senses. HONDURAN’s duel vocal onslaught will slap you upside the head with every listen, but these dudes know what the fuck they are doing, so you dig the violence they unleash on your brain! Let me tell you what this band really has going for them: the sick ass wall of nuclear bass that rampages through every tune. HONDURAN have a sinister fun groove thing happening, which I dig a lot because it keeps you banging! Yeah alright they are grindcore/powerviolence, but on the real, HONDURAN has this real epic punk energy that they bring to their songs! There is no way when you hear this band that you can deny that these humans have a blast playing together, and this fact makes what they create infectious. All of HONDURAN’s songs are short bursts of sonic radness & if you know what time it is, you will get with the HONDURAN program. Download the 7 inch HERE!

[audio:|titles=Honduran – self-titled 7- – HONDURAN live fast, die you]

[audio:|titles=Honduran – self-titled 7- – HONDURAN becomes nothing]
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