Fucking amazing!! WHIRLWIND HARDCORE Vol 2 PT.1 is showing today on CVLT Nation. This collection of live footage from the likes of Extreme Noise Terror, Cathedral, Raw Noise, Nausea, Go, Chumbawamba, Master, Concrete Sox, So Much Hate, Skeezicks, Chaos UK, Pungent Stench, Cluster Bomb Unit, Slapshot, Sick Of It All and many fucking more is priceless. All of this action was shot on VHS, but with the invention of the internet now other generations of underground music weirdos can enjoy it too. What impresses me about WHIRLWIND HARDCORE Vol 2 pt.1 is how creators were able to capture so many awesome British bands that can only be seen in this video. Now tune into a hardcore history lesson and see how the gnarly school wrecked shit after the jump!

July 16, 2012 at 2:13 am
Great compilation