Portugal is not a very known country when it comes to heavy music. In fact, experience has taught me that foreigners don’t know much about our metal scene. The only known band outside these walls is the one I always get for an answer every time I pose this question to anyone: “Moonspell.” Good for them… but it pisses me off. Why the hell is it so hard for a Portuguese band to make it out there? The problem here isn’t the quality of the music itself…what could it be then? Is it fault of the Portuguese labels who don’t promote them enough? I really don’t know and I’m not a musician to answer to this question. Throughout the years, we have seen many quality bands rising up from scratch, a big part of them as the result of side projects from musicians coming from several bands in the Portuguese hardcore/punk/metal scene.
One of these latest creative joints could well be the result of a bestial and evil summoning… Besta.
Besta gathers members from several bands from the Portuguese scene, like We Are The Damned, Atentado and Men Eater. Together they conjured as this evil alliance, making one of the most sick bands ever created here in Portugal. Influenced by bands like Dropdead, Rotten Sound, Mass Grave, Pig Destroyer or Napalm Death and inspired by cult horror movies, they drink up all of these influences and spit out a crude, crust-punk-face-melting-grind. Damn right… Besta is on the loose and hungry for blood.

With the mark of the Beast on their forehead, Besta unleash with their latest sonic assault, Herege, six (six, six) tracks of some of the most vile grind made in Portugal. The first thing I notice in Herege is an evolution in the sound of Besta’s music. This time it’s very “Napalm Death-ish“. Because if you look into the early Besta releases, you will see that their sound is slightly different. But I guess that’s good right? Especially for Napalm Death fans like myself. And although the treatment of the tracks is different, it doesn’t mean they have slowed down, no way. This latest production presents us a Besta with a more cohesive and powerful sound. It’s got more evil in it. Besta are pissed off with everything and everyone.
Opening with “Império do Ódio,” which starts with a creepy intro by the mystical Zé do Caixão itself saying (translated to English): “What is life? It’s the beginning of Death!” suddenly we are slapped with a ferocious and bestial d-beat/grind, with Pedro screaming and growling like a fucking beast. The following tracks, “É Tudo Falso (Hereticamente Falando)” and “Símbolos da Ignorância,” continue to shred – not giving us single moment to rest, Besta keeps on moving, destroying everything around it as it keeps on blaspheming poisonous words out of its mouth. Zé do Caixão gives another speech in the intro of “D.E.A.O,” an incendiary track that lasts around 47 seconds, more than enough time to kill every moving creature around. “Herança Macabra” crushes what is barely moving at this point. A track that demonstrates a clear influence from Napalm Death. Speaking of Napalm Death, Herege closes with a great cover of them, “Social Sterility” was the track chosen to pay tribute to the gods of grind. And what a great tribute it is. For a few seconds I almost get the feeling I’m hearing a re-mastered and updated track from Napalm Death itself. Flawless.
Although the tracks here on Herege fall close to Napalm Death, they are still original enough to stand out from that resemblance. Besta create their unique sound with success by giving it that evil crusty edge. Another living proof that this band isn’t fooling around, showing the potential of what Portuguese metal bands can do. Another great release by Besta, paying tribute to the great Horned One. This band has everything to kill overseas, although it’s their curse to bear the fact that they are from Portugal… give it a listen and draw your own conclusions.
Nonetheless, I strongly recommend you to hear all of their releases to date. Check out their Bandcamp and kneel before Besta!!
Check out more info about Besta and their releases here.

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