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Black Metal

Undead Golden Showers…
Rest in Piss Review + Stream

1. Imagine if you put a 100 filthy porto toilets together + They were filled with a 100 gallons of bloody demon piss + A 100 pounds of zombie shit = 1/4 of what you are going to find in CEMETERY PISS

2. Maggot-infested war riffs + Necromatic chaotic cyco drum beats from the deepest depths of the unreal + Mutated baselines that give you sores = 1/4 of what you are going to find in CEMETERY PISS

3. The sounds of beheaded Popes running for their undead lives + Vocals that could only be born from the most diseased mammal vagina known to to the underworld + Lyrics that have the only purpose of decapitating Authority from the body of the corrupt = 1/4 of what you are going to find in CEMETERY PISS

4. Who needs drugs, this is one mammoth sonic method that is up about to go up in flames + This is the MK ULTRA experiment dying in your ears + The sleazy bastard children of punk with the broken limbs of death metal = 1/4 of what you are going to find in CEMETERY PISS

Now you know what comes to my mind every time I listen to the urine-drenched CEMETERY PISS from Baltimore. Their tape Rest in Piss, released via Vaginal Apocalypse Productions(hound them to repress it!), is all sold out! I fucking dig this band – they are sort of like smoking crack, once you start playing them, you can’t stop. Go to the bathroom on the graves of all of the KKK – check out the full CEMETERY PISS stream below! Shout out to the almighty Vonfrost13 for this, it kills!!!

[audio:|titles=CEMETERY PISS rest in piss]
[audio:|titles=CEMETERY PISS faith of bloodshed]
[audio:|titles=CEMETERY PISS my inexorable compulsion]
[audio:|titles=CEMETERY PISS blood religion]



  1. Adam Savage

    July 7, 2012 at 11:14 am

    Dirck and I are hard at work in the Cemetery Piss lab getting new songs recorded! Kumming soon!

    • Thermonuklear Slayyer

      August 13, 2012 at 7:03 am

      Fucking great news! You should re-release the tape on vinyl too!

  2. Denman

    April 30, 2012 at 9:25 pm

    YES! I love this cassette!

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