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Avant Garde

Transparent Radiation…SPACEMEN 3
Now Showing

May feedback guide me to the sun, may feedback be my revolution; may distortion say fuck you to the system, may distortion be my new drug; may Spacemen 3 play tricks on my mind. This British minimalistic psychedelic band formed in 1982 and lasted until 1991, and they transformed music .Their legacy can be heard in the music we hear today, plus they helped plant the seeds for grunge & shoegaze. Spacemen 3 were super heavy in their own kind of way, plus they were masters at using space & repetiton.This really had the power to put you in some kind of trance. I guess you could say they were my generation’s Velvet Underground. I dig that there are so many forms of heavy, it’s pretty rad. All of you heads that are huge fans of shoegaze black metal, make sure to give this band their just due. I’ve got to say it sucks that I never got to see them live, but from what I hear, Spacemen 3 gigs were events to remember. So check it out, CVLT Nation has gathered some rare live footage for all of you zone out to. After the jump, get your space jam on & space out to some Spacemen 3.

Spacemen 3 : Things’ll Never Be The Same

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