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Black Metal

Tissue in the Bloodstream…

Who really wants their black metal to sound clean & shiny? Not me, I want my black metal to be distorted to the max & lo-fi as Hell itself. That’s why one of my favorite bands is New York’s Raspberry Bulbs…their new demo, RB Tries Again, is rad in all of it’s blackened feedback glory. It’s six songs & 14 minutes of demented sonic mayhem that leaves a layer a dirt on you with every listen. To me, this band is like a drugged version of the Cramps channeled through the mind of black metal mad scientist. Raspberry Bulbs has this chaotic punk rock energy that runs through all of their songs. This band uses lo-fi production techniques to their advantage, actually they incorporate the audio madness into their music as another instrument. The vocals on the RB Tries Again demo sound extremely tortured, but in a very cyco sort of way, they sound melodic. Raspberry Bulbs’ music has a really epic movement to it; way down in the mix you can hear this dirge boogie vibe being conjured up. On songs like “All Over Again,” the band goes for an I do not give a fuck punk sound that seems damaged & sick in the head, and which drives me mental in a good way. To get a good look into the mind of this band, you must listen to “Tissue in the Bloodstream” – feedback has never sounded so fucking gnarly & sinister. Raspberry Bulbs have done it again, created black metal in their likeness, a place were distortion is the new beautiful. Good news: you can buy this epic demo HERE!

[audio:|titles=Raspberry Bulbs – Center of the Earth] [audio:|titles=Raspberry Bulbs – Tissue in the Bloodstream]
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