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The Love Awareness Program…
FUCT 20 years Strong
Art Exposition

To me, respect is lived, experienced and earned. One person in the streetwear game that has done this is Erik Brunetti. What I dig about this human is his punk rock roots that date back to the early 80’s. He started his brand FUCT 20 years ago when there was not even the term “streetwear” – he did it because it just came naturally to him. I remember how his brand took aim at the mainstream almost in the same way that Vivienne & Malcom did with their gear in the 70’s. Erik is mad talented which can be seen in his line drawings that are are filled with irony. Another thing, this human is well aware of how all underground cultures intersect at some point, and this has helped him always to to see the world through his own version of reality. Keeping with his punk ethos, FUCT was open to collaborate with other artists like Mr. Cartoon, Pushead, Larry Clark, Alexis Ross, Wes Lang. In celebration of 20 years in the game, Union L.A. is holding a 20 Year Visual Exposition for the month of November. Don’t get it twisted, this brand is stronger than ever, and you can pick up the new collection at the FUCT online store or Mishka stores. Check out some historic shit after the jump, plus some new gear. Erik, keep up the good fight!

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