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The Long-Sleeve Metal Tee

A classic part of the metalhead uniform is the long-sleeve t-shirt, a piece that has barely changed for more than 20 years. At almost every show, you can find yourself an epically screened longsleeve, with front, back and sleeve placements. These shirts come in handy for hiding your skinny, hairy arms, and for covering up any unsightly tattoos you thought were an awesome idea when you were 18. I spent a little time perusing T-shirt Slayer, and I found some choice picks among the countless shirts posted up there. Keep in mind, this is very DIY photography, but you can definitely feel the spirit of the shirts. I even threw in some epic bootleg Ozzy & Metallica raglans from their 1986 tours…I just picture some mustachioed dude in aviators hawking these babies. In true metal spirit, CVLT Nation Two will feature some pretty rad longsleeves for your Fall wardrobe, so stay tuned for those. After the jump, take a peek at some of my favorites, old and new…



  1. lesm

    April 22, 2013 at 1:52 pm

    nice autopsy longsleeve..i want it so much 🙂

  2. gulo gulo

    May 8, 2011 at 1:53 am

    too bad the sleeves are often too simply designed

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