The doom metal titans from Brooklyn, Archon, killed it with their last album entitled The Ruins at Dusk. This album has this rad crusty layer underneath their doom-laden grooves that just adds more atmosphere to each song. Imagine if Nausea was reborn in the likeness of Sabbath – that’s sort of what Archon sounds but even gnarlier. They have female & male vocals that create an epic sonic union.The rhythm section is so moving; it’s crazy, the bass lines quake your bones and claim your soul, while drums play beats that have the stoners marching through the weed fields. Archon guitar sounds are totally massive & large. This is a vibes album & each of the four killer tracks on The Ruins at Dusk creates the right vibe. For the ultimate listening experience, play this album loud & put the flame to your bong.
Archon The Ruins at Dusk
Archon: Helena

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