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The Division Factor…
BATILLUS live footage.

600% radness…check this out killer footage of Batillus performing “The Division” & “…And The World Is As Night To Them” live at their New York record release party. By the looks of it, this show was truly electrifying. While performing the song “The Division,” they were joined by Kat Katz to help share in the vocal duties. For those who do not know, Batillus has created one of the sickest doom records of the year, called Furnace, out now on Seventh Rule. This album pushes doom to another level & it goes far beyond just one genre. Stay tuned for an in-depth interview between CVLT Nation & Batillus. In the meantime, tune into this killer live footage after the jump…

Photos: Markus Shaffer

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Denman

    May 9, 2011 at 1:22 am

    Yes! For Kat in this post. You should look into everything she’s working on or has worked on, from Salome, to Agoraphobic Nosebleed, (and don’t forget Body Farm). Sweet post.

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