What languages do ancient trees speak? What is out there in the universe, beyond what we can see with our naked eye? Do the low end tones of bass have the power to heal? When I listen to Oakland band Laudanum’s album, The Coronation, released in 2009 by 20 Buck Spin, my mind wonders off into directions of wonderment. In my mind, this record is far beyond any genre & in actuality, timeless. Laudanum is one of those bands that when you mix what they create with a couple of puffs of the best bud, there is no way that you will stay on this planet. Their music has an ultra-cinimatic vibe to it that allows your imagination to play all sorts of different scenes while listening to them. On The Coronation, it seems like each song is a mini film unto itself with a surreal beginning, an intense middle & an apocalyptic climax. When I put on this Laudanum album, I do not to expect to hear songs in the traditional sense, I’m ready for this band to hijack my soul then teleport it to another reality. These guys are wizards at shape shifting sound into different, otherworldly sonic objects that can be seen & heard. Laudanum’s music is full of glorious, dark layers that just seem to be constantly pulled back to expose a new tone of bliss. On songs like “In Obscura,” they use choral vocal sounds to create a thick wall of dirge, but the voices also have a sense of movement that lends an energy of amazement. Distortion is formed into clouds of doom that will shower you with emotion. The vocals are heavy with a blackened blues force that just leaves me wanting more every time I hear them. The bass lines that you will experience on The Coronation are deep caves, where unknown creatures howl with slow, ancient screams of healing torment. Laudanum are extraordinary creative beings who manifest an epic ocean of atmosphere for us all to swim in, & forget that we exist in these concrete jungles that some us are forced to call home! I know in the future I will be able to witness this band live & my mind will be altered even more…until then, I have everything they have ever made to give me my daily fix. After the jump, check out some super rad live footage of Laudanum.

All photos by SFsludge

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