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The Bonehive – The Art & Design of Rob Middleton

Mid (a.k.a. Rob Middleton) when not playing in pioneering crust band Deviated Instinct, he provides breathtaking art for bands like Napalm Death, Gorefest, Disfear, Hellshock, Extreme Noise Terror, Stormcrow, Stampin` Ground, Prophecy of Doom and Optimum Wound Profile to name a very small few. His art style is very much his own, ranging from digital, pen and ink to painting. His style of crows, skulls, bones, gasmasks, stitched lips and scratches really capture the feel of the bands he has done work for. And are a familiar face on a lot of our favourite album sleeves since 1985. And like his band, his illustrations have had a great influence on many.

He now has just started the ‘Bonehive‘ facebook page. Which now takes the place of his now defunct portfolio website that was going since 1999.


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