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Black Metal

Terrorfront: Top 5 of the Month – February Edition

As a newly recruited member of the CVLT Nation team, I felt it was appropriate and only sensible to make a brief introductory post along with my top 5 albums of the month. As of February 2012, I will be posting my top 5 albums at the end of each month and occasionally provide photos of any bands that will be aforementioned and/or appropriate photos shot by myself which will suit the criteria of the music I will be reviewing. These will be in no particular order and with that said, onward to the February list…

Pallbearer – “Sorrow And Extinction”
I had high hopes for this record in the beginning when there was only one track preview uploaded via Youtube in late 2011, and upon hearing this release in its entirely, my expectations were indeed surpassed. I personally believe Pallbearer are one of the pioneers of modern doom metal of our time, with recently being signed to Profound Lore Records and staying active on the live stage front, this doom metal quartet has been gaining more recognition from the underground masses and metal fans from all across the board. “Sorrow And Extinction” is a perfect doomy depiction of the earth being drowned by the waves of the ocean whose tides are constantly coming in from all directions, while destroying everything in its path. It is a flow of crushing yet beautiful sorrow from every song, each leading unto one another and eventually to an appropriate closure. I cannot listen to just one song off this album without listening to the rest. I feel very fortunate being able to witness both old and new material from Pallbearer live at this past Rites of Darkness Festival and in Austin, TX as well. An even more phenomenal experience live and highly recommended if anyone is given the opportunity to witness their performance… doom metal possession at its finest.

Antediluvian – “Through The Cervix Of Hawaah”
Although this was released back in November ’11, I had not discovered this fine death metal gem until more recent times. Also being signed to Profound Lore Records, Antediluvian provide on this record both elements of old school death metal and also hints of their own unique twisted experimentations which I find difficult to exactly put into words. “Through The Cervix Of Hawaah” is a primitive and relentless release, given that the lyrics written on this album are not something that the “average” metal fan can comprehend, as they have underlying themes of both history, mythology and esoteric views projected unto raw black/death obscurity. I am most definitely looking forward to witnessing this band live in Vancouver next month.

Ashdautas / Bone Awl – Split
With the recent disband of Ashdautas and the project being laid to rest, the most recent and last release has laid down some of my personal favorite tracks out of all the previous Ashdautas releases I have heard and/or own. “Vermillion Stars of Depths Familiar” is a beautifully composed black metal track which stands out above the rest to me, as it is a reminiscent of keeping the traditional black metal sound alive and is both atmospheric and I suppose for some, even a bit depressive. This split has been long-awaited to both fans of Ashdautas and Bone Awl and I am glad that it has finally seen the light of day. Bone Awl’s side of this split differs in style and sound (quite obvious, but just leaving this as a note for those who aren’t familiar with either/or) and as usual, they continue to keep their raw and chaotic black/crust sound alive.

Chelsea Wolfe – “Apokalypsis”
Chelsea Wolfe has become particularly appealing amongst the metal community in these last few months, although it is no surprise with her doing her own personalized cover of Burzum’s “Black Spell of Destruction” in 2011, it was both successful and managed to grab the attention of metalheads who also enjoy music of a more surrealistic nature. “Apokalypsis” manages to capture just that. I have found myself listening to this album on repeat in the dead of night, drifting off into a trance of my own thoughts while her voice, contained with both sadness and beauty will captivate and fill the silence. I suppose one could call it “selective” taste, although it applies for all music, but for anyone who has an appreciation for singer-songwriter and experimental folk music will more than likely appreciate this album. One might even feel as if they are in a David Lynch film, to be put at best.

U.S. Christmas – “The Valley Path”
Having most recently discovering this group through a doom metal community, I am quite grateful that I decided to give them a chance – “The Valley Path” was the first album I sampled and became immediately hooked. This release offers a nice combination of psychedelic rock and doom metal branched together. It is a shame that these guys are not as well known or given enough credit they rightfully deserve, as they manage to pull the genre-blending quite well. “The Valley Path” has plenty to offer in terms of mind-bending music, although it is only one track (and a long one at that), upon my first hearing of this release, it managed to take me through a journey and felt like an “entire” album rather than just one track. Although this release came out some time in 2011, these previous months have been great for finding doom gems.

Over and out,
Tracy /

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