What kinds of sounds are born out of the darkness? I know how you can find out…have a listen to LANTERN‘s 2011 Ep, Subterranean Effulgence, out now via Internecion Productions. This band unlocks the gates of Hell with their giant riffage, then forces you to endure 5 songs of epicly intense blackened death metal that will kill your brain cells on contact. This record really does have so many gnarly riffs that it will make you dizzy if you tried to count them. As a whole, LANTERN created an Ep that is a huge storm of audio rage raining diseased maggots down onto the earth. Every song has these bass lines that seem like they are 6 feet thick, so that no sunlight will ever be let into their creative circle. LANTERN’s songwriting skills are so fucking on point, it almost seems like these tunes were written by the hands of Death & the power of the underworld was channeled through the bodies of Necrophilos & Cruciatus. This music could be called death metal, but honestly other musical demons are at play within the sound of this band. The vocals on Subterranean Effulgence have an ultra ugly delivery happening, and every word that is sung is drenched in layers of morbid conviction. When you hear the drums kick in on the last track, “Ritual Unearthing,” your darkest nightmares will then become your reality. What will make you say this band is sick as fuck will be the interesting back downs that happen when least expected. LANTERN is music for the all of sick minds of the world to rejoice to the beat of the death march. The Gods of the Riffs have spoken – LANTERN is the only light that is allowed to shine from this day on!

[audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/05-Ritual-Unearthing.mp3|titles=LANTERN Ritual Unearthing] [audio:http://staging.cvltnation.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/02-Slumbering-Dying-Dreams.mp3|titles=LANTERN Slumbering Dying Dreams]

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