Cailifornia hardcore legends STRIFE are back, and are set to release a new album entitled Witness A Rebirth on Nov. 6th via via 6131 Records. They have recently put up a gallery show that examines their career. Read the words of Anthony Godinez below and peep his photos after the jump…plus we also have some very special video surprises!
A night of community, and tradition of the old ways. A rebirth of the past were everything was learned and shared through d.i.y. zines and writing to bands. The days before convenience of the internet were flyers were past out after shows, where blood of our hands were spilled into creating what we hold true to our hearts. The history and struggle to create the hardcore music scene was deeply displayed on the walls of Pop Up Records in Little Tokyo Los Angeles by photograph installments and years of flyers collected. Strife, a band that has dedicated their lives to holding whats true to the hardcore scene presents ” War Records, Witness A Rebirth. Also the name of their up incoming record on 6131 records. This record and gallery is for the youth to keep the fire and faith alive, War Records runs from Oct 6th through the 28th.

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