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Neo Folk

CHELSEA WOLFE Vancouver Photo Essay

On June 21st, a very special performance took place in Vancouver at The Electric Owl, and it was given by CHELSEA WOLFE. The energy in the room was positive all night long. Once she hit the stage, we all became transfixed by her amazing voice; for me, her voice was an instrument of time travel. CHELSEA WOLFE was able leave us all with a piece of her soul that night, and anyone who was in attendance will remember it. I could write more, but it’s your job to go see one of your generation’s voices of reality when she comes to your town. CVLT Nation’s Ted Reckoning was on hand to capture these stellar photos of CHELSEA…We would like to say nuff respect to WOLFE and her crew for being so humble and rad!

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  1. Danisthebastard

    July 1, 2014 at 1:03 pm

    Amazing voice and an awesome person!

  2. Ludmila Muerta Viva

    June 30, 2014 at 11:38 am


  3. LOLgoroth

    June 30, 2014 at 11:37 am

    She’s perfect in every way.

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