Stalaggh was a Dutch noise entity, set out to redefine the experience of the listener through audial provokation and expermentation with sound. No official members identites have been revealed but one interview exists, and they have been known to use the screams of mental patients for their recordings, as well as artwork hand painted by one them on metal cases. Stalaggh released three “Projekts” including a final piece entitled Projekt Terrrror which was a short visual. It consists of extremely harsh noise, and footage of real corpses, a hanged man, war, explosions, all in grainy black and white stock.
Link to video after the jump!
Here is a statement from the band from the interview regarding the obscure recording process of Projekt Misanthropia. There is also a box set coming out with all of the Stalaggh pieces to date, including the Gulaggh album that was finished after Stalaggh ended.
“It was recorded in 3 parts. This time we used the vocals of 7 mental patients, more than we had ever used before.
The first part is the base layer and that was recorded in an abandoned factory building. This factory building had not been used for over 30 years and will be demolished soon. We (all :STALAGGH: members including the mental patients) were allowed to destroy everything that was inside the building. This location was truly perfect. Inside the building there were old machines rotting away and layer upon layer of dust and debris and mummified corpses of birds and rats everywhere. There was almost no light in there and the air inside was polluted and intoxicating. We put up several microphones throughout the building and started the recording session. While evoking all our feelings of hatred and fear we went completely berserk and smashed everything inside to pieces. This session took about 3 hours.
The next recording was the vocals session which took place in the chapel of an old monastery that was no longer in use. The acoustics and atmosphere of that chapel were perfect for recording the howls and screams of the mentally insane. It was very hard to get access to that chapel, but we told the owner that we were doing this as a kind of scream therapy for the mental patients and finally he gave us permission.
For several hours all 7 mental patients screamed out all the insanity, pain and fear while the sounds recorded earlier in the factory were playing in the background. The 3rd part was adding Black Metal elements and some structure and effects, but no riffs were written beforehand and the parts were improvised directly while listening to the earlier recordings.”

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