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St Anthony’s Fire…
Review + More

The journey has begun…I feel the bass guiding me off into space, and the pilots for this outergalatic trip are Kentucky’s Doom wizards, BELOW. Their new album, St Anthony’s Fire, is just that: pure fucking slow-moving heat that will spark your bong as soon as you press play! I was trapped in their smokey haze right when I heard their track “Dosed” – it just came over me and I was in awe of the groove. BELOW’s vocals for this song and throughout the album at times sound like Howlin’ Wolf exhaling his doom demons. I’m amazed at how this band creates music with so much heart and passion – I can feel the Southern soil under my feet when I hear what they are conjuring up. BELOW are superdelic songwriters, with the ability to take this genre to unknown heights; you will hear it with every play of St Anthony’s Fire. With this album, they explored many different textures of sound, and I find that it helps to open one’s third eye. Also, you will not be able to avoid the killer organic melodic energy that swirls around this band’s riffs. BELOW are all about using the the call and response vibe within their compositions which means most of the time they don’t even need vocals, because the instruments are singing for them. When I listen to this band, I find my imagination starts to float around inside of the magical clouds that their music exhales. I give them so much respect for being able to to create tunes that sound timeless and original. BELOW are smart for the way that they incorporate a rootsedelic vision, with some fuzzy, blissed-out energy! Here is a way to have some mental fun: spark a spliff, then blast their song “Ancient Tongue” – you will find your thoughts start to drift into a alternate world of rawness. Not only am I really into St Anthony’s Fire as an album, but I’m interested to hear how this band grows over time in the outdoor sun! Check this out, if you are reading this in the Midwest, you are lucky: peep their tour dates here and after the jump download St Anthony’s Fire & peep some killer live footage!

Download St Anthony’s FireHERE

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