Deranged, twisted nightmares & insanity are just normal states of mind for California’s LOW PLACES, who are set to release their first record for A389 recordings called Spiritual Treatment, which hits the streets Aug. 16th. They start the record off with hateful sludge that sounds borderline cyco. This song has a real ultra sinister quality about it; it gets under your skin & just creeps you out. Also, the opening song sets the tone for the rest of this awesome unhinged experience, that lasts for almost 15 minutes. The thing that I really find interesting about the first song is that it shows that LOW PLACES are totally willing to take chances & will not allow themselves to be put into a box, which is smart as hell! By the second song, the band is all up in your face in attack mode, with some craze damaged hardcore that will make the hair on the back of your neck stand to attention. This album reminds me of EYEHATEGOD being injected with a weird new drug called super SPAZZ. With Spiritual Treatment, the band really lived up to their name, because this record does take you to some very LOW PLACES. You can hear this constant groove of danger on every song, no matter how slow or how fast. Vince, the singer, swallowed a whole can of whoop ass before he went into the vocal booth – he just murders shit when he steps up to mic. This record makes me smile, because it’s cool to to hear a band grow weirder & radder with each release. High places are epic, but LOW PLACES is where the real shit is!

[audio:|titles=LOW PLACES Opfer 1] [audio:|titles=LOW PLACES Controlled Chaos 1]

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