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Apocalyptic Blues

1997 At Roseland
Now Showing!

The sickest hip hop album of 1994 was not created by a rapper, but by the British group PORTISHEAD. When I first heard their debut album Dummy it was like hearing Wu-Tang for the first time. In my mind, every song on their album was a special audio moment that I wanted to hear over and over again. Beth Gibbons’ voice sounds like ghosts are floating around each verse that she whispers, only to be matched with the raddest production from Geoff Barrow, whose drums were heavy as fuck! PORTISHEAD were urban gothic blues that spoke to the loneliness that blows through humanity. Check out this stellar full set of them wrecking shop in NYC with the New York Philharmonic on strings…nuff said…Now get your PORTISHEAD on and open the Glory Box…




  1. LourdesAmezcua

    April 30, 2015 at 10:58 pm

    Just stumbled upon this because I fucking love Portishead and your writing made me smile. Sick description.

  2. CookieJr

    November 11, 2013 at 9:18 am

    Love this album. Great for a night in with someone sexy.

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