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Sonic Violence…NAILBITER
Stream + Download

There must be a huge river of sonic violence running through South Carolina, because damn, have they got some extra gnarly bands in that state! One of them being NAILBITER – these players of destruction make their own brand of chaos that sounds epic to my ears. What gets me hyped about them is their use sinister distortion; it engulfs the whole sound of their music. When you hear NAILBITER, you know that these humans are passionate about what they are creating. Fuck writing a bunch of words concerning their brand new music, you need to hear it to understand its greatness! CVLT Nation has been given the honor by NAILBITER to stream & offer for download their material. I know you are going to be into it, so like their page and leave them a message letting them know that you dig their shit. Stop biting your nails, just fucking listen to NAILBITER!

[audio: biter whole.mp3|titles=Nailbiter]

Download link after the jump!


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