CVLT Nation is superdelic stoked to announce that the Sonic Cathedrals Mixtape Series Vol. XXXV Curated by LAKE OF BLOOD. This mixtape will give you the feeling of walking through an ancient sonic forest, where the trees are rooted in dirge and feedback. I’m going to let LAKE OF BLOOD break the whole thing down song by song. I will say this: just download Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XXXV after the jump & blast this audio windstorm of blackness beyond loud…GET READY FOR A BRAND NEW MAGICAL RIDE!
This document is in no way an attempt to encompass the entirety of influences, myself and the rest of the group embrace. The goal was to extract only the MOST essential pieces as to where I think we learned how to write songs while working together, if any of the other guys agree. I left a lot a lot off. Oh well, Fuck it! Find all that cult shit yourselves.
Big ups to DylanCarlson/MichaelGira/WesleyCrowSamael // Lake of Blood 2012
Stream Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XXXV Curated by Lake of Blood:
[audio: untitled.mp3, Cold.mp3, A Clarion Call.mp3, False Dawn.mp3, Cold Void.mp3, Poison Yourself…With Thought 1.mp3, obliscence.mp3, A Bouquet of Blood For Skull.mp3, Catastrophe.mp3, In The Flat Field.mp3, Den Saakaldte.mp3, No ONe Can Be Called as a Man Whi.mp3, A Chore for the Lost.mp3, Theme For A Jackal.mp3, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas.mp3, The Shortest Straw 16.mp3, Cold Embrace.mp3|titles=Sonic Cathedrals XXXV Curated By Lake of Blood]
DOWNLOAD Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XXXV Curated by Lake of Blood HERE!
1. untitled
demo 2009
We’ve been extremely fortunate as a band to have had the opportunity to play with other groups whom we’ve shared truly spiritual experiences. Nearest to our hearts, are California’s very own Fell Voices. Sleepwalker is a solo project of their drummer, Michael. It’s a great song for gliding through sunlight, spinning in circles, and flying in your dreams. Find all 3 songs.
2. Cold
The Cure
Pornography was the first cassette tape that I got my hands on as a kid. I had no way of explaining the attraction I had to the sounds and emotions. This song pours like a morose, soot stained rain, seen through the widow of an urban mind. The texture is incredibly viscous and will easily wilt any optimism.
3. A Clarion Call
A Clarion Call
Discovering Asunder was groundbreaking for most of us. Nothing had completely consumed our attention from that world quite like this record. When I first heard the slow carbonation rising around 3:20 I lost it! Few compare to the massive sway this band can produce.
4. False Dawn
Forgotten Legends
Drudkh is an ancient citadel of musical folklore. Their early records are spun gold.
5. Cold Void
A euphoric cyclone of seething, granular self destruction…frantic howls drowned in static waves of melody.
6. Poison Yourself…With Thought
Within the Vacuum of Infinity
I found it rather difficult to decide which song to include from this group, though their discography is modest when compared to some of the exhausting catalogs held by some of the other bands I’ve included. Their latest convocation, Without Circumference, Nor Center, is enormously profound… but I haven’t got any tracks from that which aren’t just ripped from the cassette and sound like shit. The Black Twilight Circle is an extremely fascinating group of musicians. I’m constantly astounded by what they release. This song cuts like an obsidian ritual instrument, dripping with the human essence. None come close to the reality of this pain.
7. Obliscence
The Gault
Evan As All Before Us
Emanating, withdrawn, erotic, sedated & hurt. An overlooked contribution of unrivaled magnitude.
8. A Bouquet of Blood For Skull
Tentacles of Whorror
A pillar of magnetized, unstoppable hate magick. This nausea inducing spirit, this tortured wretch of a man has given me all reasons to seek most grand oblivion. WTHD is a huge inspiration to our sound, infecting our lives and minds. All Black Metal is Negative.
9. Catastrophe
One fucking powerful ride of a song. End(Greece) are incredibly intelligent in their execution of pummeling, unrelenting aggression. This band existed and evolved over 10 years, providing an unwavering degree of integrity in their music.
10. In the Flat Field
In the Flat Field
Bauhaus aroused me on at a young, pubescent age. Banshee guitars scratch secrets into your ears while swollen bass lines press their flesh against palpitating drums. No light, no inhibition.
11. Den Saakaldte
Ved Buens Ende
Written in Waters
I was turned on to this band, and subsequently, Virus, by our current drummer, while beginning to play together. He’s a passionate aficionado of this shit, alongside DSO, Blut Aus Nord, ect. This group tread so far ahead of pack during their short breadth. Their structure and aesthetic has finally been resurfacing in a lot of bands these days it seems, and I couldn’t be more glad.
12. No One can be Called as a Man While He’ll Die
Dead as Dreams
Another Gossard band, in fact, the most important of all, to us… to all USBM for that matter. Hearing these jams, this epic album, for the first time was like surfacing for air, after being held under the oceanic weight of all the shitty music I was surrounded by at the time. I can’t even begin to sum the importance of this record, so I won’t. I could listen to it forever.
13. A Chore for the Lost
Deathspell Omega
Fas- Ite, Maledicti in Ignem Aeternum
In the practice room, it’s hard to start talking about DSO without continuing to talk about them. They crown the apex of black metal and progressive music. Intangible and amorphous, wise & wrathful. They are all that was, all that is, and all that ever will be.
14. Theme for a Jackal
The Misfits
Static Age
Such an important band to my history, along with a few others of us. Static Age happened to be the first thing I picked up from these pioneers. Sure, there may be a more important misfits track to reference, but fuck, this track just kicks! Danzig is a maniac. His lyrics, the slamming piano in a “punk” tune and all the scratching guitar sounds are fucked. I love it.
16. De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
It’s hard to go a day without listening to this record. It’s impossible for me to imagine the excitement of making this record. To my understanding, Euronymous never even heard the final cut. That fucks me up. I never really cared about all the Varg murder bullshit until I was told Euronymous didn’t live to hear this album. A fate worse than death!
17. The Shortest Straw
…And Justice For All
FUCK YES! A spinal column of riffage from one of the most important bands in metal. Metallica has been hugely important to Lake of Blood since the get go. I fucking love the nontraditional guitar leads they throw around in this groovin’ jam. Light up a fat joint, rip open a cold boy and let the throttle climb!
18. Cold Embrace
Sam Gopal
Alright, let’s bring our time together to a close with one to drift away in. Let that joint burn to a roach and ride off into the cosmos. Follow Lemmy down bass drawn vapor trails across the sands of time.

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