CVLT Nation is stoked to announce that the Sonic Cathedrals Mixtape Series Vol. XXXIII Curated by Sutekh Hexen goes live today. The songs that you will hear on this mixtape will torment your nightmares and melt your braincells. Silence all the talking, just download Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XXXIII after the jump & blast this audio animal of rawness beyond loud…THIS IS PERFECT SOUNDTRACK TO A SUNNY DAY…
It’s 8 am on a Tuesday morning. It rained pretty much all night and the clouds were still dark and looming overhead when I got out of bed a couple hours ago. I have been sitting here in front of my computer for the past 30 or so minutes, blankly staring at the screen, drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes and trying to think of what would be the proper way to write an introduction to our submission to the CVLT Nation Sonic Cathedral Mixtape series. All I can seem to come up with is expressing the fact that we just wanted to be able to take this opportunity to curate a compilation that suited our own individual tastes, and to put together a list of songs by bands and musicians that we enjoy for various reasons, that when played in succession, gave us a totally different listening experience, which in it of itself pretty much redundantly defines the purpose of a mixtape. I can say that it is our hope that those that frequent this blog or stumble across it by chance will be able to relate, in some form or another, to the selections that we have chosen to include here within. Smoke weed and worship the bloody goat.
Stream Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XXXIII Curated by Sutekh Hexen:
[audio: Nation Sonic Cathedrals Vol XXXIII Sutekh Hexen.mp3|titles=CVLT Nation Sonic Cathedrals Vol XXXIII Sutekh Hexen]
DOWNLOAD Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XXXIII Curated by Sutekh Hexen HERE!
Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XXXIII Curated by Sutekh Hexen TRACK LIST:
1.) Skitsystem “Stigmata”
2.) Bathory “Woman of Dark Desires”
3.) Yellow Tears “Did This Really Happen?”
4.) Current 93 “The Blood Bell Chime”
5.) Codeine “Vacancy”
6.) Julia Kent “Tithonos”
7.) Brighter Death Now “American Tale”
8.) Tim Hecker “Boarderlands”
9.) Moëvöt “In Einen Friedhof – Errance”
10.) Church of Misery “El Topo”
11.) Tame Impala “Bold Arrow of Time”
12.) The Animals “Don’t Bring Me Down”
13.) Scientist “Blood on His Lips”
14.) Goblin “School at Night”
15.) Death In June “Little Black Angel”
16.) Fennesz “Seven Stars”
17.) Noothgrush “Deterioration”
18.) Mortician “Blood Harvest”
19.) Emperor “I am the Black Wizards”
20.) Lennie Tristano “Digression”
21.) Mz.412 “Deklaration of Holy War”
22.) Flying Saucer Attack “Feedback Song”
23.) Dark Opus “Infernal Embrace”
24.) Pisschrist “Destroy”
25.) Hawkwind “Down Through the Night”
26.) The Brian Jonestown Massacre “Servo”

February 9, 2012 at 9:02 am
February 8, 2012 at 2:49 pm
This band is not only one of the most innovative bands in the Bay right now, but genuinely great people. Stoked to see this mixtape, it is an experience in and of itself.