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Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XXIX
Curated by Burial Hex

CVLT Nation is extra hyped to announce that the Sonic Cathedrals Mixtape Series Vol. XXIX Curated by BURIAL HEX is going live today. Check this out: Clay Ruby curated a mixtape that pushed my wig back with it’s flow from one killer song to an even more outstanding song. In simple terms, I feel like he truly painted a sonic masterpiece with his song selection. Now Download Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XXIX after the jump & blast this audio storm beyond loud…DANCE TO THE BEAT OF YOUR OWN BUGGED OUT DRUMMER!

Upon first hearing the song ‘Samhain’, from the latest 7″ by Art Abscons, it occured to me to use it next time I was making a mixtape. Not long after making this mental note, CVLT NATION asks me to make them a mix. So today I begin work on the mix, and go dig through my records to find the Art Abscons 7″, when suddenly I was inspired to make this entire mix exclusively using 7″s from my personal collection.

The weatherman says we are about to get over 70 inches of snow this winter, so here is more than twice that many inches of spinning hot wax, raw and direct from the needle of my trusty old turntable. Enjoy!
-=Clay Ruby

Stream Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XXIX Curated by Burial Hex:
[audio: Cathedrals Vol. XXIX Curated by Burial Hex.mp3|titles=Sonic Cathedrals XXVII Curated By Burial Hex]

Tracklist and Download link ater the jump…

DOWNLOAD Sonic Cathedrals XXVII Curated By Burial Hex HERE!

Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XXIX Tracklist:
1. Art Abscons – Samhain (Vade Retro Records, 2011)
2. Death In June – Some of Our Best Friends Live in South America (Extremocidente, 2009)
3. Teenage PanzerKorps – V3 (Release the Bats, 2011)
4. Mekanik Destruktiw Komandoh – Rohe Gewalt (ZickZack, 1981 )
5. Nuit Noire – Delirant Fantaesy (Seed Stock, 20010)
6. Die Kreuzen – Pain (1982, Barbarian Records 25 year reissue)
7. With Love – Iceage Generation (Heroine Records, 2003)
8. SFN – Collectors (625 Thrashcore, 2010 )
9. Deep Shit – Kill Yourself, W/ Yourself (Lurk Sleep Kill / Give Praise Records, 2008)
10. Ivs Primae Noctis – Capre (Trips und Traume, 2009)
11. Horrid Red – The Horror & The Cruelty (Soft Abuse, 2011)
12. His Electro Blue Voice – Call (Avant, 2007)
13. Der Blutharsch – Untitled (WKN, 2008)
14. loveliescrushing – youreyesimmaculate (Projekt, 1994)
15. Pan Dolphinic Dawn – I (Beniffer Editions, 2006)
16. Atrax Morgue – I’m Infected (Spacelessjam, 2008)
17. Skin Graft – Dirge (Mistake By the Lake, 2008 )
18. Book and Sword – Increase in Sentiment (Warcom Media, 1999)
19. Ultra – La Fixation Insupportable (DOM, 2010)
20. Zola Jesus – The Way (Die Stasi 2008)
21. King Dude – Never Let You Go (Clan Destine 2010)

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