Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XLIII curated by DEATHRITE goes live today! When I first heard this band, I knew they were something fucking special, and when you hear their mixtape, you will realize these humans are on some next shit. Make sure to go HERE to pre-order the new DEATHRITE/GOLDUST split, play this motherfucker way past loud and headbang until your neck breaks! Peep the streaming and download link to this sick mixtape below…
Two reasons why we choose these songs. First, this is how a mixtape should sound while we’re on tour and driving to the next venue and preparing ourselves for the next show. Huge riffs! Massive headbangs and showing them the horns non stop! And the second one is, we would like to show you a small overview of which bands and songs influenced our sound, and why we started the band. We hope you enjoy the mix. Now turn up your speakers like there’s no tomorrow!!!
– Deathrite
Stream Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XLIII Curated by Deathrite
[audio: Left hand path.mp3, Boiled Angel.mp3, – Immortal Rites.mp3, Sentenced To Hell.mp3, – DISEMBODIED – FORGET ME.mp3,, Real World.mp3, – NOOTHGRUSH – DETERIORATION.mp3, – Invictus.mp3, – Dismember – Indecent And Obscene – 09 – Dreaming In Red.mp3, Choose.mp3, BUZZOVEN – SHOVE.mp3, Friends In The Music Business.mp3, HAMMERHEAD – ICH SAUF ALLEIN.mp3, poison idea – (04) just to get away.mp3, EYEHATEGOD – SERVING TIME IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.mp3, I wanna be your dog.mp3, South Of Heaven.mp3, – Bridge Burner.mp3, CATAHASIS – 09 Sabbat.mp3|titles=left hand path,boiled angel – dragged into sunlight,immortal rites,sentenced to hell,forget me,kingdom come,real world,deterioration – noothgrush,invictus,dreaming in red,choose,shove,friends in the music business,ich sauf allein – hammerhead,just to get away,serving time in the middle of nowhere – eyehategod,i wanna be your dog,south of heaven,bridge burner – magrudergrind,sabot – catahasis]
DOWNLOAD Sonic Cathedrals Vol. XLIII Curated by Deathrite HERE!
1. left hand path – entombed
2. boiled angel – dragged into sunlight
3. immortal rites – morbid angel
4. sentenced to hell – mammoth grinder
5. forget me – disembodied
6. kingdom come – curbbite
7. real world – hüsker dü
8. deterioration – noothgrush
9. invictus – liar
10. dreaming in red – dismember
11. choose – rotten sound
12. shove – buzzoven
13. friends in the music business – cursed
14. ich sauf allein – hammerhead
15. just to get away – poison idea
16. serving time in the middle of nowhere – eyehategod
17. i wanna be your dog – the stooges
18. south of heaven – slayer
19. bridge burner – magrudergrind
20. sabbat – catahasis
March 28, 2012 at 3:21 am
track 20: bandname und songtitel falsch geschrieben. das muss man erstmal hinbekommen!
Chris Noir
March 27, 2012 at 11:48 pm
Personally I’m missing: Sepultura, Turbonegro and Metallica, just saying
March 27, 2012 at 8:46 pm