CVLT Nation is stoked to present Sonic Cathedrals Vol. CV Curated by Hexis going live today! This mix is sure to make your day, so stream and download below!
This mixtape is curated by Filip from Hexis and contains both newer and older stuff that I really enjoy. Most of it is bands that I have been listen to for a long time, both smaller and bigger names. No specific genres, just music that I love and which have a special place in my heart
1. Celeste – Ces Belles de Rêve aux Verres Embués
I have been the biggest fan of this band since the very beginning and they are just getting better and better from album to album. They really put new standards to music! Without any doubt, my all time favorite band! I can’t count how many times I have been listening to the ‘Morte(s) Nee(s)’ album on repeat.
2. Shora – Erode/Implode
Such a talented and underrated band. The split they did with Merzbow and the EP ‘Shaping The Random’ is really what got me into this kind of music. I think if it wasn’t because of Shora, then I wouldn’t play the kind of music that I do today. Very talented musicians and songwriters
3. Khanate – No Joy
I have actually only known about this band for a little more than two years. But they have been on repeat since then, specially because the vocals are fucking good. I hope for a reunion tour someday!
4. Thou – Grissecon
The best sludge band ever! And one of the best live bands I have ever seen! Perfect band.
5. Deafheaven – Dream House
This band started almost at the same time as we did and they have already achieved so much. I have so much respect for George and Kerry for putting almost their whole life into this band! Dream House is a masterpiece.
6. The Secret – Cross Builder
Awesome band, and this track is evil as fuck!
7. This Gift Is A Curse – Inferno AD O.
Best track from our favorite touring mates!
8. The Psyke Project – The End
This is the band who got me into more chaotic music and they are actually the band I have seen live the most times. Their new album Guillotine is awesome! The best band we’ve got here in Denmark.
9. Jim Fear – Goodbye Sweet Machinegun
A Danish band that existed for some years, released an album and then broke up. But they were fucking great!
10. A Light In The Attic – Even Plagues
Another underrated band that it’s almost impossible to find any info about. They are from the US and I saw them here in Copenhagen almost 10 years ago, I bought a split with them and this track has blown my head off since.
11. Kaospilot – When The Wind Turns Her Hand
Tight as fuck album. One of my favorite Screamo records.
12. Admiral Angry – Sex With A Stranger
Heavy as fuck! ‘Buster‘ is a fucking great album.
13. Blackfilm – Come and see
My favorite ambient music! Really dark and atmospheric stuff.
14. Marilyn Manson – Long Hard Road out of Hell
I remember when I was a small kid and was totally scared by this guy, but some years later I actually became a big fan of him. Manson’s music will always have a special place in my heart. Most of the music he released from 1996 to 2001 is fucking good!
15. Nine Inch Nails – A Warm Place
Trent Reznor is a fucking genius and I can’t wait to see him live again this summer! Together with Manson, these are the two ‘bands’ I have been listening to for the longest time.

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