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Blackened Crust

SKVLT 4 Songs
Review + Download

Much like a roaring hellhound out of the underworld, Massachusetts’s SKVLT kick start this four track, mere nine minute long, EP of caustic blackened hardcore punk. Lo-fi, abrasive and murky production reigns supreme with the opening barrage of this new 7” EP, with “Blacksmith” simply being a searing listening experience, the clang of the unyielding guitars grating on your ears along with the bellowing, reverb-soaked vocals.

“Extinction” alights with some manic, bristly guitar work that cuts through the track with the scathing noise of an angle grinder while the drums are a chaotic malaise of beats. The meshing of d-beat and old Japanese hardcore like Disclose here is near perfect. There are hints of Swedish miscreants Herätys too and Boston’s Brain Killer but SKVLT have a punishing sound to themselves.

[audio:|titles=01 Blacksmith]
[audio:|titles=02 Extinction]

Rest of review & download link after the jump!

“Desolation”, the third song, is the EP’s most devastating outing with utter pummelling riffs and drums leading the charge in unforgiving and barbarous fashion, which purely demands your fist in the air and theirs in your face. This band simply won’t rest until they’ve trounced your head into a bloody pulp. Their blackened hardcore assault is just sickeningly unrelenting.

Final song “Hero” then makes you realise that this EP is just far too short as it recklessly scurries through more dissonant and inharmoniously battered passages. This is just brutal, noisy, merciless and callous and hopefully there’s more to come from this vile band in the near future. For now, you’ve been warned.

The 7” is available from PRGNT Records & Download HERE.



  1. HellionLord

    May 24, 2012 at 10:14 am

    this is great.

  2. NoirAeternus

    May 23, 2012 at 10:57 am


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