What up corporate criminal, you want some of this? You might end up DEAD IN THE DIRT. This A-Town band is a fucking wrecking crew, their four song tour demo is 4 minutes & 30 seconds of raw fucking anger with a killer groove, and what else can you ask for? I’m just saying, the drumming on this demo is pure war & has pounded my brain into a state of blackened bliss. Shit, my neck won’t stay still long enough for me to write this review about this off the hook band! DEAD IN THE DIRT are straight fucking madmen; they play whacked ultra dirty fast crust with a head made out of grindcore, so basically, this band eats you alive with each song. I don’t know how they do it, but also conjure up these metallic body blows made out of rotting melody they really make me want to dance. Both of the singers are cyco, as insane as can be, which just makes me want to hear more. If anything, DEAD IN THE DIRT plays that kind of damaged music that could wake the DEAD. Hold on, where is my head at…I just got decapitated by one of their riffs. This band proves that there is something called “controlled chaos,” because there is a method to the madness and it’s called DEAD IN THE DIRT. The word on the street is that a full length is in the works, & here is a message for the band: hurry the fuck up, I want to hear more of your madness!

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