Photographer: Jordan Fogal
Based in: NC
Boris live at Cat’s Cradle October 2011
Boris is always a great show and even though I’m not a gigantic fan of their newer material, hearing it live was still amazing. They played a lot of tracks from Heavy Rocks I & II and New Album then some favorites from Pink and Smile. This shot was during one of their heavy droning interludes. The horns thrown by Atsuo and Wata’s drone stance really capture my favorite aspects of Boris.
Eyehategod live at Tremont Music Hall November 2010
It was hard to get shots at this show because the crowd was so into it, I kept getting shoved all over by the rushing tide of human bodies. One huge tattooed guy next to me bloodied his knuckles by punching the front of the stage during the set. EHG played all the fan favorites that night. There was lots of stage diving, also my camera was sticky from beer afterwards.
Full of Hell live at Sewercide Mansion December 2011
The cops got called sometime after Nailbiter and Heartless played so Full of Hell only had 15 minutes to play. The dude who owns the house was going to get charged $300 if they didn’t stop so they played a quick set. This shot is of Dave, who appears to be extremely possessed or intoxicated, or both. Eventually he just tipped over his drum kit and collapsed while the rest of the band played some harsh noise to piss off/scare the crowd of neighbors outside even more.
High On Fire live at Cat’s Cradle September 2010
Matt Pike, the riff god. This show was pretty awesome but I still like to remember when I’ve seen them at smaller venues. It was in support of “Snakes for the Dvine” but they still played plenty of classics. “Blessed Black Wings” and “Blood from Zion” were the highlights for me.
Kylesa live at Cat’s Cradle September 2010
Kylesa tour the east coast a lot so I have seen them around 6 times. I still miss the smaller venues but the sound is pretty good at Cat’s Cradle. Having two drummer’s makes a bigger difference live, it’s even thicker sounding. Kylesa mainly played from “Static Tensions” and “Spiral Shadow” which had just come out.
Lightning Bolt live at the Milestone Club July 2010
The Milestone was packed for this show. There is no air conditioning at this venue so everybody was burning up. I had borrowed a friend’s flash unit but a lot of times I prefer to go with ambient light because it captures the real atmosphere and is less annoying. This might be my favorite show I’ve been too. It was megaloud. Everybody was really into it as you can tell from the front row; it felt like the entire house was shaking from all their movement.
Young and In the Way live at the Milestone Club November 2011
This was during the release show for Eternal Depression. The shot was only lit by the candles and a few click lights. I’m very excited about YAITW because there hasn’t really ever been a black metal band from around here that was so legitimate. They had incense burning and animal bones laid out on stage. The vocalist Kable, is standing on some ancient stump they carried in. There was lots of stage diving and I got my foot crushed a few times while bracing myself to take shots.

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