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Apocalyptic Blues

Martyrdöd Review + More

I admit it; I’m a fiend for blackened crust. I can’t explain why, but when I hear that gnarly metallic stench I feel like my skin becomes iron. Here is a fact that I realized when I was a teenager: some of the sickest d-beat in the world comes from Sweden, it’s just one of those things. Martyrdöd has been releasing some of the illest black metal-infested crust since 2003, but it’s their 2009 album Sekt that I keep on repeat. Unholy hell, this record has these primal ghosts that jump out of the track that make want to fight in ancient Iron age battles. Martyrdöd figured out a way to to produce meth in the form of sound, because these songs are an addictive drug & I know crazy amounts of energy when I hear it. This band’s music has an extremely wild quality to that makes you feel like you are about to lose your fucking mind in best way possible. The guitar riffs & solos on this album seem like they are being played by warlocks who just smoked a pound of nitro! I know it’s a part of the corporate & government plan to keep blackened crust away from the ears of the masses, because if they did get a dose of the real shit they might ready to fight the real fight! Martyrdöd’s musicianship & songwriting on this album is so fucking awesome, it’s like they are on a mission to destroy the world as we know it. Check this out, it’s the monolithic structures of torment & living nightmares that this band builds with their songs that makes you realize these dudes are nothing to fuck with. When you hear “En Demon & Gloria Runt Iris” blasting through your speakers, if you don’t get the feeling that you want to punch a cop, maybe you should go join that army & sign your life away to this corrupt regime! Martyrdöd’s singer belts every word from the bottom of his gut. If vocals could set political prisoners free, this dude has the vocals that can make it happen. It’s the the weird, unexpected sounds on Sekt that will really have you going DAMN this band is so rad. After the jump peep some dramatic live footage !
[audio:|titles=Martyrdöd En Demon]

[audio:|titles=Martyrdöd Gloria Runt Iris]

Twentythirdhour Photography



  1. N

    July 27, 2011 at 3:38 pm

    for those who don’t have a facebook account that link just won’t work.

  2. Roger

    July 27, 2011 at 2:33 pm

    Martyrdöd are one of the best bands I’ve ever heard, both Sekt and In Extremis are just insane! Painful music as I like to call what they do!

  3. Dan

    July 27, 2011 at 12:14 pm

    Swedish Kang is simply the best. Martyrdod was fucking amazing in Long Beach, was a short set of 6 songs, but that just tells you how fucking good they were!

  4. SeanFitz

    July 27, 2011 at 11:49 am

    Amazing band

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