And here’s Ryan’s second interview with Pallbearer, also performing at this Saturday’s Scion and Profound Lore showcase, and who have been in heavy rotation in the CVLT Nation office lately…check out the full interview after the jump!
Q: You guys are pretty fucking heavy for a bunch of hicks with guitars and stuff. What sort of backwoods darkness inspires you guys for the depressing, crushing songs you write?
PB: Ha, well I guess we could possibly be singled out as hicks and I’m not going to deny it, despite not being an Arkansas native myself. Our music isn’t necessarily directly tied to the physical realm around us; it definitely pulls from the primal beauty of the hardships of life and death. In the past I’ve said that I’m not personally influenced by our natural surroundings, but recently I’ve begun to feel a greater affect on me. Apart from that, much inspiration comes as a catharsis for negative emotion, in dealing with life difficulties.
Q: Speaking of backwoods, you were founded in Little Rock, Arkansas, which is home to other heavy southern bastards such as Rwake, Deadbird and Crankbait. How does it feel to contribute to what seems like such a definitive community down there? What exactly is it about Little Rock that spawns such disgustingly lovable brutality?
PB: That’s a big part of why we do what we do. There’s always been a bit of a legacy of heavy-beyond-belief bands materializing in Little Rock (and the region in general) and we hope to continue to carry that on, as some bands have begun to wane. I’m not sure what it is about Arkansas that has made for the small movement, other than boredom and hard living inspiring great things in unlikely places, as can sometimes be the case.
Q: For a gang of Canadians, Profound Lore seem to be pretty masculine. Their catalog is full of bands just as heavy, if not heavier, than yourselves. What has it been like working with them? And what is your favorite release of theirs to date, if you had to choose just one?
PB: We have full support for Profound Lore! Chris Bruni does a terrific job at taking care of all his artists, and continually pushes forward into new territory of unique and interesting heavy and “thematically heavy” music. It’s tough to choose, but I would say my favorite release would probably remain Asunder’s “Works Will Come Undone.”
Q: You have recently released “Sorrow and Extinction” on the Profound Lore crest. What is the album all about, aside from kidnapping the listener’s soul? What are your future plans following this release?
PB: I can’t completely divulge the meaning, as I feel that’s up to the listener to interpret, but it’s loosely tied together with the theme of the crushing weight of both the physical and astral passage towards what seems for a time like a journey’s end, and releasing into the beyond.
We’re currently working on material that may end up becoming our second full length, as well as a few songs intended for split releases with certain comrades of ours. Apart from that, we’re also gearing up to perform on a much larger scale than ever before!
Q: Scion really knows how to treat a girl. They seem to be wining and dining bands in the low and heavy class. What does it feel like to be courted by such a supportive company? How far are you willing to go on your first date with them after such an extravagant gesture?
PB: Personally I think it’s great that Scion is supportive of heavy music! It’s an interesting and unlikely pairing, but they’ve built quite a reputation for it over the past few years. I don’t see how it can do anything but allow a wider audience exposure to awesome music, and beyond that, art. The fact that they offer so many showcases and releases for free is great as well. They’re allowing bands likes ourselves and LOSS a first opportunity to perform on the West Coast as well, whereas it would be much later had we been forced to rely solely on our own resources, so many commendations from us for that.

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