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Romantically dark…NØIR

How do you describe something romantic, something dark? NØIR is the answer, romantically dark they are. Emerged from Jakarta – Indonesia, NØIR is a three-piece noisy post-punk band consisting of Michael K. (bass/vocal), Andro K. (guitar/vocal) and Dion Aditya (drum). Describing their sounds as a mixture of 80’s shoegaze, post-punk and goth, they took influence from both old and new bands like Bauhaus, 1919, Taste Of Decay, The Jesus And Mary Chain, My Bloody Valentine, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, A Place to Bury Strangers and such. They came from the same university, Michael and Andro studying graphic design while Dion studying interior design. Most of the artworks done by Andro (more into manual illustrations) and Michael (more into digital collage). They don’t have special musical background, their music is simple and they just play the way they like. Slaves of skills they are not! While the lyrical themes are rather romantic (in a dark way), and sometimes religiously / spiritually provocative. I have seen them live once, when they shared the same stage with Aussie’s sludge duo Dead. Energetic live performance, I cant stop moving my body to the tunes! Salute to these guys, I’m quite proud since we don’t have many post-punk (or even gothic) bands here. Noisy guitar riffings, trippy bassline, rough dual vocals and catchy tribal drumming are what this gloomy noise is made of, ghastly hypnotizing! They are planning to record more songs soon, stay tunes for more update. Meanwhile, enjoy the flicks right after the jump.

NØIR – “Prelude To The Night” (Live Demo)

Photos by Wayan Thaison Horn.



  1. pandorease

    August 16, 2011 at 3:23 am

    oh please make some records!

  2. Doommonger

    June 7, 2011 at 5:07 am

    I saw them playing live at Rossi Musik as well. As an opening act, they are quite catching crowd’s attention. Playing post-punk is really something in here (you know what I mean). Can’t wait to hear their new materials |m|

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