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Rising Son:
The Legend of Skateboader Christian Hosoi
Now Showing!

Venice skaters can’t be fucked with when it come to style – maybe it’s something in the beach air. As a young skater, I knew that it wasn’t always doing the rarest trick, it was how cool you looked while you were doing it! I have been lucky enough to see some way beyond awesome skaters rip shit at the Break Water in the 70’s & 80’s. One stood out more than others, and his name was Christian Hosoi. When this dude came around, we all pretty much stopped what we were doing because all eyes were on him. At one point, it seemed like he was on top of the world and nothing and no one could fuck with him. That wasn’t the case – he did crash and burn, only to rise again. In 2006, a Venice local named Block directed a film about Christian Hosoi entitled Rising Son: The Legend of Skateboader Christian Hosoi. The documentary takes a hard and real look at this Hosoi’s life, and it is done with the right kind of emotional impact. So after the jump, you’ll see how Venice skaters know how to Skate & Destroy…CVLT Nation is now showing Rising Son: The Legend of Skateboader Christian Hosoi.

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