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Death Comes Grinding:
Riddickart Launches…
A Line Of Skate Decks!

Sick graphics have always been important to the world of skateboarding. Many underground illustrators who started in the metal & punk scenes have created some of the most coveted decks on the planet. Beyond that, not only are these pieces of wood used to grind ourselves all over the city in which we live, but illustrated skate decks are art pieces in their own right. So when I heard that the master of death and decay himself, Mark Riddick, had started a skateboard line through Boardpusher, I had to share it with our readers! They have have released six morbid decks featuring art that makes the underworld come to life. Even if you do not skate, hang these bastards on your wall and collect all six…SKATE OR DIE!…Riddickart skate decks are available HERE!

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Danisthebastard

    December 11, 2013 at 6:06 am

    Grind in the Mind.

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