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Rejoice The End… From Ashes Rise 7″ review

So, From Ashes Rise are back. That’s a good thing for the most part. It’s a return after nine years, which is marked by this two track 7” that has been released by (you guessed it folks) Southern Lord. That’s another veteran crust/d-beat band in the label’s arsenal. The 7” is, if anything, a mere precursor for the release of a new LP, which is still in the works. The two songs presented here display two sides to From Ashes Rise, both good and, not necessarily bad but not exactly positive at the same time. “Rejoice The End/Rage of Sanity”’s two sides may mean the next LP is on a path that will fork and judging from the direction they choose, it will affect the end product of the LP, whenever that lands.

First up, “Rejoice the End” is a forceful clarion call of crust punk. The chorus demands that you sing along carelessly. At over five minutes, it moves from coarse riffing through to some sleek melodic passages, capturing the many strengths of From Ashes Rise.

Second offering “Rage of Sanity” is a shorter, more straightforward track. It’s even punkier than its predecessor with ebullience in spades. However by comparison to “Rejoice The End”, it’s not up to a whole lot. The song is pretty plain and doesn’t ignite the same way. This is where that path forks.

“Rejoice The End/Rage of Sanity” is a double sided coin for sure. When “Rejoice the End” finishes, you’re left rather hopeful for what the band might be working on for the LP while “Rage of Sanity” just doesn’t have the same verve. Of course, it’s not a terrible track by any means, just a little prosaic and predictable. Keep an eye on this path.

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