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Reckless Massacre…Putrid

Putrid will give your nightmares nightmares. His illustration lives up to his name – he creates scenes that reek of arterial spray, disemboweled guts and brain matter, all mixed together in a gory soup. There is a massive amount of movement in his work; his subjects are surrounded by spray and ooze, and he revels in their tortured writhing and reckless massacring. Looking at his artwork, you feel their angry heat and smell the offal spewing across the page. Putrid combines his love for horror, gore and death metal to create masterpieces of disgusting beauty. He has worked with bands like Autopsy, Coffins and Impetigo, on Lunchmeat zine and Mystical Music zine, and recently for “Diary of a Deadbeat,” a documentary about cult director Jim Van Bebber. After the jump, take a good look at what evil joy looks like through the eyes of Putrid…

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