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Avant Garde

Put Your Hand in My Hand…LUNGFISH

When music keeps you alive, changes your existence, is a puzzle, makes your mind wonder, is life, it’s LUNGFISH. This post-hardcore band was formed in 1987 in Washington, D.C. & put almost all their recordings on Dischord. LUNGFISH is a band that I love on a whole different level because they gave me strength when I had none. Daniel Higgs, the singer, is one of the illest lyricists around. The words he writes are simple, but at the same time they are way beyond complex. He has the power to change energy with his words. His delivery is part bluesman & part post punk riot. LUNGFISH musically create these sonic portraits of emotional audio art. Their second album, Talking Songs for Walking, is a classic. The song “Put Your Hand in My Hand” is a encounter of a special kind. From the very first song, this album will move you to a different plane. A place where the grey days are not real forever. After the jump, check some epic flicks & awesome videos.

LUNGFISH: Put Your Hand in My Hand


LUNGFISH: Friend to Friend in Endtime.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. roger

    April 30, 2011 at 4:14 am

    good post. check this higgs related blog out

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