Terence Hannum of Locrian makes zines an art form. His carefully crafted and immaculately packaged zines are far, far from their photocopied and fucked up predecessors. This month, he released PURIFICATION, a collection of drawings and graphics, presented together using the concept of light, or at least, a departure from the usual darkness of Hannum’s previous publications. PURIFICATION is printed on white paper, and is delivered in a white envelope with a laser-etched acrylic plate as embellishment. It is a image essay of sorts, which Hannum described eloquently as inspired by “an inversion, a reversal of corruptions, a necessary portion to complete the profane and a process toward attaining another state.” After the jump, check out photos of PURIFICATION, and also find out where to pick up your copy, as well as copies of his past publications.
Edition of 100
36 Pages | 8.5″ × 11″
B&W Color Copies
Comes inside a white 9″ × 12″ envelope with a 2.75″ x 5.25″ laser etched white acrylic plate adhered to the cover
$30 (US) / $35 (World)
PayPal – unluckyatlas@gmail.com
Contact for Distribution
Current and past publications are available from:
ATOMIC BOOKS (Baltimore) – http://www.atomicbooks.com/
DESERT ISLAND (Brooklyn) – http://www.desertislandbrooklyn.com/
PHOTO-EYE (Santa Fe) – http://www.photoeye.com/
PRINTED MATTER (NYC) – http://www.printedmatter.org/
QUIMBY’S (Chicago) – http://www.quimbys.com/
WESTERN EXHIBITIONS (Chicago) – http://westernexhibitions.com/

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