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Fuck yeah, Funerary might be one of the most expected Hardcore records in 2011. PULLING TEETH is the leading band when it comes down to mix Punk, Metal and Hardcore into one fucking thunderstorm. And the first few tracks on Funerary pick up where they left of after their awesome debut 10″. But can Funerary keep up what it promises after the first tracks?

Pulling Teeth - FuneraryAll in all there’s just one right answer, and that is “yes”. Although Funerary is kind of split into two parts. Basically the first 50 % of the songs are among the best PULLING TEETH have ever written. Shredding guitars, blastbeats, speed, insane solos, dehumanizing mosh parts and Slayer-riffs even Slayer wishes to write – this stuff makes me want to punch the guy sitting next to me in the train in his fucking face. The second song, “From Birth”, might be the best song PULLING TEETH has ever done.

And then, all of a sudden, after the first seven songs, all PULLING TEETH is doing is play really extensive, long and slow songs. Don’t get me wrong, those songs are good as well for what they are. But I really wonder why PULLING TEETH didn’t mix the fast and the slow songs better. And to be honest I just like the fast stuff more, but that’s just my personal opinion.

Anyway, when I get this thing on vinyl I’ll only listen to the first side and all is fine. If I’d have to rate this record, i’d give the first half 15 out of 10 points, and the second 7, so we’re still way above the average. Funerary is an amazing record for sure, released on A389 Records.

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